Tuesday 6 April 2010


Back after Easter and a gentle cycle to work... more other users of the Rodwell trail than usual and I had a feeling that there was trouble ahead as I left the top of the embankment (just before the point at which "they" are sometime going to add a bridge and incidentally change my commute again) so I drifted down the steep slope wondering what was going to happen. I didn't have long to wait to find out.

The chap in black went on his way along the bottom of the embankment, all well and good. The woman in blue seemed to be on one side of the track whilst trying to control her dog by remote control or something. Lucky I was paying attention because, having seen me, she stood right in the middle of the tarmac for no apparent reason. Oh well, none so queer as folk as they say. A few yards further on there was a pedestrian and cyclist interview station which completely failed to stop me - perhaps they though that the Orca isn't a bike?

I think that 'they' are going to be rearranging the cycle paths etc. in Weymouth before 2012 so that there is at least a veneer of greenwash so that the local authority ticks the boxes for the Olympic Committee. We shall see... no doubt I will explore the new farcilities once they are in place - expect comments between now and then!

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