Thursday 8 April 2010

Traffic Management

Here we are making progress along North Quay in Weymouth... I travel this way every day, so why you may ask, is this video on the blog and not any others? Observe the left side of the picture and you can see the upright looming structures of Weymouth Town Bridge - a bascule bridge; the link provides more information than you may want but also a webcam mounted on the north quay offices of the local council.

Anyway, back to the point... I left work later than usual tonight and so caught the bridge lift. My initial reaction was 'oh no - a traffic queue!" but every cloud has a silver lining... with the bridge up it means that there is no traffic crossing it (if there is I would be in lots of trouble) and the right turn over the pedestrian crossing and down the harbour side is simple as opposed to a rather nervous wobble across the possible oncoming traffic hidden by the rise of the bridge on ramp.

Perhaps later is better? who knows... I am sure I will find out.

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